Monster+ / +2020
Freelance Artist. Procastinator.
Commission Info
Terms of Service
English only.
Purchase through PayPal only.
No work will be done without payment, and should be paid in full upfront. If there is no response or payment 3 days after contact, your slot will be forfeited for others.
You can contact me via either Twitter accounts' DMs or email if you wish to request commissions and provide necessary materials for said commissions.
Throughout the process, several WIPs will be sent to ensure the expectation is met in each period (sketch, lineart, flat color, finished piece).
You will have at most 3 mild-or-below request for changes. Either exceeding the cap or any major changes will result in extra fee depending on the complexity of the subject matter.
The work may be done from at least a week to at most a month, depending on the work complexity and/or outside factor.
If you request a refund before the sketch process, I will keep 5% of the payment. If you request a refund during or after the sketch process, I will keep 50% of the payment. No refund will be accepted after that unless decided otherwise by me.
I, the artist, hold every rights to the drawing. I have the rights to repost, reuse as advertisement or portfolio. However, I will NOT claim any of your intellectual property (OCs, ideas, etc.) nor will I use them for commercial purposes.
Credit is required if you wish to repost commissioned artworks. However, any commercial use/redistribution of any of the work (including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and AI) is prohibited.
Unless stated otherwise, all Fullbody Render commissions will be displayed on other platforms. The private request must be made before and when you receive your commission.
Unless stated otherwise, the commissions will always be sent in PNG format. Any other request must be made before and when you receive your commission.